Pollution Penguins Clean Up

Pollution Penguins Clean Up





9:00 am


Diamond Peak Ski Resort

Join us for our inaugural Clean Up event at Diamond Peak Ski Resort, in partnership with Keep Tahoe Blue!

Date: September 21, 2024

Time: 9 AM to Noon

Location: Diamond Peak Ski Resort, Upper Parking Lot (Ski Team Building)

As stewards of our home mountain, we're committed to preserving its natural beauty and ensuring a clean environment for everyone to enjoy. This is the first of three clean-up events scheduled for the summer, where volunteers like you can make a tangible difference in Keeping Tahoe Blue.

Come together with fellow community members and enthusiasts to lend a hand in picking up litter, maintaining trails, and safeguarding our local ecosystem. Let's work together to protect and cherish our beloved Diamond Peak Ski Resort.

Join us, and let's Keep Tahoe Blue!

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